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PowerStream, Utility Substation Arc Flash Risk Analysis and Protection Coordination Review

Location : Vaughan, ON

Year : 2016

Client : PowerStream

Project type : Arc Flash Risk Analysis & Protection Coordination review for Various Utility Substations

Scope : 

Review the existing PowerStream electrical distribution to determine steps required to help complying with industry arc flash mandates and requirements as per CSA Z462. At Greenwood TS and Richmond Hill TS#1, the arc flash analyses are carried out for the 28kV switchgear lineup, the feeder tie switches and distribution panels. At MS#1 the analysis includes all identified locations where the voltage is over 50V and where there is a possibility of performing energized work (maintenance, testing and diagnostics) on or around. At Park place and MS#4 it covers 13.8kV switchgear lineups and pole mounted tie switch.

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