Electric Power Utilities and Generators often reach out for supplemental support for their key projects and programs. Pro Watts offers Owner’s Engineering services for cases where an independent review and project support is needed. Providing an end-to-end service, as owner's engineer we bring our experience to your project.
Demand Response and Assessment
Demand response (DR) is a change in electric usage by demand-side resources from their normal consumption behaviours in response to changes in the price of electricity over time. The goal of DR is to reduce electricity use at times of high market prices or when system reliability is not optimized. DR programs by utilities may offer customers an incentive to reduce or shift their peak load to a specific time of day.
DR assessment may include estimating the demand response potential and/or evaluating the effectiveness of demand response programs. Pro Watts analysts have the expertise to evaluate both the potential for and effectiveness of demand response.
Contracting Strategy
Every project is different and that's Pro Watts is here to design and implement a carefully thought-out contracting strategy to balance risk while optimizing financial gains. That's why working with us on your contracting setup and risk analysis is so important.
Tender Support
From engineering, equipment and Balance of Plant (BoP) procurement, we support clients with the tendering process and development of technical documentation alongside legal advisors.
Risk Management
We deliver a comprehensive risk management plan to register all risks, while performing running studies into the cost, schedule, scope and construction.
CAPEX and OPEX Modelling
Our insight into CapEx and OpEx modelling delivers accurate projections, taking into account contingency modelling and O&M strategy across the full life of the project. For any Medium/High Voltage facility investment, it is essential the upfront understanding of the post construction cost incurred throughout the life of the project. The most efficient time for adjusting OPEX and post construction commissioning expenses is through the first stages of a feasibility study and preconstruction detailed engineering.
Such feasibility studies are best performed by specialized firms like Pro Watts with thorough understanding of the lifecycle of a Medium/High Voltage facility.
Expenditure Forecasting
Unique, extensive and experienced industry insight will create accurate expenditure forecasting for the length of the project to provide real-world budgets and to assist with securing finances.
Pro Watts is here to support you in developing, delivering and maintaining the project's master schedule, auxiliary schedules and the project execution plan to ensure that your project remains on time and, within budget.
Preliminary Design
From electrical system modeling and design, protection & control philosophy, conceptual site layout and general arrangement, our engineering team will provide detailed insights, suggestions and guidance based on site and project specific conditions.
Geotechnical and Topography
Our engineers will conduct preliminary geotechnical analysis and topographic surveys to feed into concept design and feasibility studies.
Post Closure Remediation Costs
Post-closure costs are similar to capital costs. These are expenditures required to satisfy regulatory agency requirements, de-mobilize the remediation system (e.g., substation decommission, battery recycling) and possibly make the site available for land transfers. Post-Remediation closure costs include all labor, equipment, and material costs, and contractor fees. Post-Remediation costs also include expenditures for professional oversight and equipment that are necessary to demobilize the remediation system.